High Blood Pressure Complications
High Blood Pressure Complications, High blood
pressure can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries atherosclerosis, which can lead to a heart attack,
stroke or other complications
High Blood Pressure Complications
- High Blood Pressure Causes Heart Attack Myocardial infarction
High blood pressure Hypertension is major risk factor of causing atherosclerosis in coronary blood vessels, result is Heart attack or Myocardial Infarction.
- High Blood Pressure and Kidneys
High Blood Pressure and Kidneys. High blood pressure not only affects heart, brain, eyes but also another vital organ Kidneys.
- High Blood Pressure and Diabetes
High Blood Pressure and Diabetes. High blood pressure is an important risk factor for the development and worsening of many complications of diabetes
- Common Complications of High Blood Pressure
Common Complications of High Blood Pressure, High blood pressure is associated with several potentially dangerous complications. It causes damage to your arteries, this can result in hardening and thickening of the arteries
- Relationship Between High Blood Pressure and Dementia
Relationship Between High Blood Pressure and Dementia, Closed relationship between high blood pressure and brain has been established according to recent research and studies. These studies revealed a kind of scarring or scars in brain due to hypertension or high blood pressure
- What Is Systolic and Diastolic | What Are the Dangers
What Is Systolic and Diastolic, What Are the Dangers, The reasons behind high blood pressure can vary. Usually it is a combination of different causes such as smoking, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, excessive drinking of alcohol and stress.
- Diabetic Neuropathy – Diabetic Nerve Disease
Diabetic Neuropathy – Diabetic Nerve Disease, There are different types of nerve damage. The most common form of neuropathy in diabetics is sensory neuropathy in which the sensory nerves get damaged and there is loss of sensation.
- Blood Pressure and Kidneys | How Does High Blood Pressure Hurt the Kidneys
How Does High Blood Pressure Hurt the Kidneys, It has been estimated that in one quarter cases of kidney failure, the cause is high blood pressure.
- Prognosis for High Blood Pressure | Hypertension Prognosis
Prognosis for High Blood Pressure, Maintaining blood pressure is very important as it ensures that we are safe from various complicated diseases like heart disease, kidney problems and stroke.
- Can I Die From High Blood Pressure
Can I Die From High Blood Pressure, The consequences of crisis hypertension are even worse than chronic hypertension. These include serious complications like stroke, pulmonary edema, seizures and heart attack
- Which Organs Does High Blood Pressure Affect
Which Organs Does High Blood Pressure Affect, According to the Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, hypertension or high blood pressure affects one in three adults
- High Blood Pressure and Life Expectancy
High Blood Pressure and Life Expectancy, It imposes deleterious influences on the eminence of life of a person, and reduces the life expectancy, very drastically.
- How to Avoid Complications of High Blood Pressure And Diabetes
How to Avoid Complications of High Blood Pressure And Diabetes, Did you know blood pressure is closely linked with diabetes? High blood pressure affects the kidney, heart and arteries.
- Brain Haemorrhage and High Blood Pressure
Brain Haemorrhage and High Blood Pressure, high Blood pressure has many serious complications including life threatening brain haemorrhage. You should take your medicine regularly to prevent yourself from any such complication.
- People With High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart Attack More Likely to Have Cancer
People With High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart Attack More Likely to Have Cancer, Getting a myocardial infarction or chronic ailment might elevate the chance of being recognized with cancer tumor, in accordance with the most current survey.
- link between high blood pressure and impotence
Link Between High Blood Pressure and Impotence, There is a strong relationship between erectile dysfunction and high blood pressure, high cholesterol, angina, stroke, heart attack
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