Valuable Natural Vitamins for High Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the reading of the force with which blood hits the walls of
the arteries. When arteries become narrowed, blood pressure will increase as blood is pumped harder
through the passageways. Hypertension or high blood pressure is usually caused by exercise, stress
or an improper diet. People who consume too much caffeine like coffee, tea or soda also experience
elevated blood pressure. In addition to this, smoking can also lead to hypertension as it acts like
a vasoconstrictor, constricting and narrowing the arteries. Some people also have chronic
hypertension which can be quite dangerous for health.
Natural Vitamins for High Blood Pressure
There are very few people who experience high blood pressure symptoms like
dizziness, headaches or nosebleeds. Most people do not even know that they are suffering from high
blood pressure until their condition worsens and they get a stroke or heart attack. Hence, regular
check ups of blood pressure are very important for a timely treatment. Hypertension is usually
treated with medicine. However, there are some very healthy natural remedies as well that can
resolve your high blood pressure without any adverse effects. Prescription medications for high
blood pressure, such as beta-blockers, can cause excess fatigue, dizziness and even stomach
problems. On the other hand, natural remedies, if taken correctly and with doctor’s approval,
generally do not have side effects and are thus healthier for individuals to take.
Some valuable natural ways of controlling high blood pressure are:
1. To relax the walls of the blood vessels thereby lowering
blood pressure, take 250 to 500 mg of magnesium twice a day.
2. One of the safes t forms of lowering blood pressure is with CoQ10, a coenzyme,
which is a very popular super-nutrient supplement. Its suggested does is 100 mg three times a
3. To thin the blood and reduce the pressure on the arterial walls, take 4 grams
of fish oil every day and give a boost your cardiovascular system.
4. Potassium when taken in combination with sodium also helps in reducing blood
pressure by lowering body’s fat absorption. Sodium helps the body to absorb potassium. However,
some people can have negative reactions to too much sodium like swelling or shortness of breath.
Therefore, consult a doctor before you try this.
5. You can improve circulation with the herb hawthorn. However, if you are
already on blood thinning medications or cardiac medicines, then you do not need to take hawthorn
as it also thins the blood.