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Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Tips to Help You Avoid High Blood Pressure Drug Side Effects

Tips to Help You Avoid High Blood Pressure Drug Side Effects. One reason people ignore blood pressure medicine is the Complications of blood pressure medications

Tips to Help You Avoid High Blood Pressure Medicine Side Effects

In United States, One in three adults has high blood pressure, but only 61% are under treatment and roughly two-thirds do not have it under control, according to the American Heart Association web site. In 2004, the disease killed more than 50,000 people in the U.S., however the American Heart Association says high blood pressure is easily detected and usually treatable.

One reason people ignore blood pressure medicine is the Complications of blood pressure medications, they usually think it makes me impotent, these swollen ankles look terrible, I'm tired of being tired.

There are about seven complications you should know about. Complications shouldn't be a reason to stop treatment or cut back on prescribed dosages. Instead, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. "We have 200 medications for treating high blood pressure," says Thomas Giles, MD, who is professor of medicine at Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans. "We'll keep on it till we find what will give you the best result and be least intrusive in your life".

1 Cough
Most commonly used drugs these days for blood pressure are ACE inhibitors but one drawback with ACE inhibitors is that these can cause a persistent cough in 10% to 15% of patients it is better Don't continue the medication. If you get cough tell your doctor to give you some alternatives. If the ACE inhibitor is stopped, it will need to be replaced with some other drug. Examples of ACE inhibitors include: coversyl, Lotensin, Monopril, Prinivil, Zestril, Accupril, Altace, Vasotec, and Capoten.

2. Fatigue and Dizziness
When people begin taking blood pressure drugs, the most common problem is fatigue and lethargy especially older patients. What is main reason of this fatigue , If blood pressure has been elevated for a while, when the medication is taken and the blood pressure begins to come down, for a period of time there's less circulation in some of the vessels, including those in the brain. It takes time for those constricted vessels to relax. There may be a perception that there's less blood flow, which can produce fatigue or dizziness. If it's mild, it can be worked through simply by taking medicine regularly. A patient who feels fatigued when on the medicine may decide instead of taking it daily to take it every few days or so. "When they go off it, the blood pressure rises and they feel better. If they continue this cycle, they never get past the fatigue, which typically will go away after three to five weeks of therapy."

3. Frequent Urination
If you are taking diuretics, Try to take them in the beginning of your day or midday. Dont take these at night as you will go for urine again and again during night. One of the most common diuretics used for high blood pressure is thiazide diuretics. It may be in its own pill or in combined formulations such as Hyzaar or Maxide.

4. Fluid Retention
Calcium channel blockers like amlodipine (also known as sofvasc, norvasc) and nifedipine (also known as Procardia) are famous for causing swelling and pain in the legs. Virtually any medication for hypertension that isn't a diuretic can cause edema or fluid retention in legs. Swelling of the ankles and legs can be more than a cosmetic problem. The medicines like calcium channel blockers can also worsen underlying heart failure or other heart problems or reveal an unknown heart condition. Some patients discover a heart problem only after starting on a calcium channel blocker.

5. Sexual Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is often seen in men who are taking high blood pressure medicine specially beta blockers (Inderal). Any medication that lowers blood pressure has the potential to cause impotence, says Ray, a pharmacist at Aurora Health Care in Milwaukee and spokeswoman for the American Pharmacists Association. That scares people. It's a matter of trial and error. Men who experience Erectile dysfunction should talk to their doctor because for most people there are other options. Some patients can take Viagra if their blood pressure isn't accompanied by other heart problems.
Vascular (blood vessel) disease and not medication, may be the u cause of Erectile dysfunction. One reason they have ED is they've had high blood pressure for a number of years. The ED tends to be intermittent. Patients might blame it on the medicine and stop taking it when the real cause may be the vascular disease from high blood pressure and they're not taking their drugs regularly.

6. Heart Arrhythmia
Diuretics, which are commonly prescribed to lower blood pressure, can reduce potassium levels (Hypokalemia) in the body and cause heart arrhythmia, or abnormal heart rhythm. Other medications like calcium channel blockers and beta blockers may slow your heart rate too much. By all means, consult your doctor. So Prescribing lower doses of the diuretic and using medications in combination can get the desired result and offset side effects. ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers protect against potassium decrease, so if combined with a diuretic, you don't have to worry about it.

7. Allergic Reactions
A serious allergic reaction to blood pressure medications is rare but worth mentioning because it could be dangerous. An allergy to ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers can be seen which can cause dangerous swelling of the face and of the throat that blocks airways, referred to as angioedema. It's a generalized, sudden swelling, usually beginning around the lips and face, sometimes with shortness of breath and wheezing. It can be a  life threatening situation and patient needs to get to the hospital immidiately.

Don't Omit Medication Abruptly
Omitting any medication abruptly can be dangerous. If you are taking a beta- or alpha-blocker for long time and you stop these drugs abruptly, there's a withdrawal syndrome. It causes a high increase in blood pressure and heart rate, which could be serious if you have underlying heart problems. It puts you at risk for heart attack and strok CVA."

Treatment Adherence
High blood pressure is a chronic condition that requires lifelong treatment and monitoring. Untreated, it can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure, or kidney failure, making it a "silent killer says the American Heart Association


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