Minerals For High Blood Pressure
Eating a healthy and nutritious
diet is good for healthy body. However, if you have hypertension then this mineral rich diet plays
a double role for you. It contributes to bring down your elevated blood pressure while maintaining
your overall health.
There are various ways to
overcome high blood pressure like regular exercises, relaxation techniques, medication and
supplements. Apart from all these, mineral diet can also help you lower your blood pressure.
These minerals are soluble in your body and they help to minimize both, cardiovascular problems
as well as high blood pressure.
There are three minerals that can bring your high
blood pressure down.
They are potassium (K),
Magnesium (Mg) and Calcium (Ca).
Calcium (Ca) is one mineral
that plays a vital role in controlling high blood pressure. However, one should consume enough
water before having Calcium (Ca) as in the absence of water Calcium (Ca) helps your kidneys to
release water and Sodium (Na) which may result in excessive loss of water and salts.These three
minerals are significant in blood pressure regulation. But there's no evidence that high doses
of these from supplements will lower blood pressure and help prevent hypertension. Calcium (Ca)
supplements are a good idea for postmenopausal women, but we strongly suggest that you get some
Calcium (Ca) and all your potassium (K) and Magnesium (Mg) from foods, which also contain other
nutrients you need. Nonfat or low-fat dairy products are the best sources of Calcium (Ca),
though some green vegetables are good, too. You need at least 800 to 1,000 milligrams of Calcium
(Ca) daily; women over 50 and men over 65 should get 1,500 milligrams of Calcium (Ca) daily.
potassium (K) is rich in most foods. Magnesium (Mg) is plentiful in whole grains, milk, beans,
bananas, leafy greens, meats, and nuts. The sources of getting these minerals are many. They are
available in adequate quantity in substances like fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, in particular
grains and pulses, nuts, and seeds. There is an abundance of foods that are a great source of
this naturally enriched mineral such as:
vegetables such as potatoes
whole bran products such as cereal, certain
lima beans
They are also available in low fat dairy
Fish and meat are the other great sources of minerals
potassium (K) and high blood
pressure is an important concept in that the potassium (K) actually minimizes the effects of
compounds, such as hormones, on the blood vessels. Inevitably, the mineral will either relax or
prevent blood vessel smooth muscle contractions.
Again, it is extremely important that you include potassium (K) in
your daily eating plan to control of high blood pressure. The supplement is not only important for
the body's proper functioning; it is guaranteed to lower and perhaps even cure high blood pressure.
Doctors suggest a daily intake of at least 4700 milligrams to get the