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Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Hypertention Medication | What Are the Safest High Blood Pressure Medications

What Are the Safest High Blood Pressure Medications? When a doctor determines that a patient is suffering from hypertension, he will assign medication for its treatment along with urging the patient to make some dietary changes.

Hypertention Medication | What Are the Safest High Blood Pressure Medications

Approximately one in every three adults in the Unites States has high blood pressure according to the American Heart Association. When a doctor determines that a patient is suffering from hypertension, he will assign medication for its treatment along with urging the patient to make some dietary changes.

What Are the Safest High Blood Pressure Medications?

The most common type of medication given to patients who have primary hypertension is antihypertensive medication. This medicine helps in lowering arterial pressure and consequently, reduces blood volume, heart rate and the chances of stroke.

Different antihypertensive medications produce different effects. Some will stop arteries from constricting by blocking the nerve impulses responsible for it, while others decrease the force of heart’s contraction and slowing the heart rate. Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors like valsartan, losartan, are all examples of antihypertensive medicines.

Hypertension Medicines

Many hypertension medicines cause the human body to retain water and salt. This is why diuretics are used in combination with other medicines. Diuretics cause the body to lose water and salt, thus helping in lowering blood pressure. While most react with kidneys, there are diuretics that will cause different reactions within the body. One such reaction is potassium depletion in the body. This is why doctors who prescribe these will also suggest the patients to increase their intake of potassium rich foods, such as apricots, bananas and orange juice. The most commonly used diuretics are chlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide and spironolactone.

Another medicine used for controlling high blood pressure is beta blockers, also known as beta adrenergic. These slow the heart rate and lower blood pressure by blocking the response between the heart, blood vessels and the nerves. This is caused by stopping the effects of hormone epinephrine or adrenaline. Beta blockers also help in improving blood flow. Beta blockers are used for heart arrhythmias, angina, migraine, glaucoma besides being effective for hypertension patients. Sectral, Tenormin, Zebeta, Coreg, Lopressor, Corgard, Bystolic and Inderal LA are some brand names for beta blockers.

ACE inhibitors or angio-tensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are also given to hypertension patients combined with some calcium channel blockers. ACE inhibitors work to relax the blood vessels by preventing the formation of angiotensin II, a hormone that causes blood vessels to become narrowed. These are given with calcium channel blockers because CCB keep calcium from entering the muscle cells of blood vessels and the heart. Subsequently, relaxing the vessels and lowering blood pressure.

Which one of these should be used for a particular patient is best decided by the doctor. Therefore, do not self-medicate. Consult a physician and be safe.


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