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Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


High Blood Pressure Medicine for Pregnant Women

High Blood Pressure Medicine for Pregnant Women, Treatment of hypertension in pregnancy depends upon the reason for high blood pressure. In case of preeclampsia, the only form of treatment available is actually delivering the baby

High Blood Pressure Medicine for Pregnant Women

There are women who suffer from hypertension in pregnancy. There can be three causes of it. When a pregnant woman develops high blood pressure just before delivering and without any other symptoms, this is called gestational hypertension. Women who have high blood pressure before pregnancy or the 20th week of pregnancy they are said to have chronic hypertension. The third cause in pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) or preeclampsia or toxemia. In this, a woman suffers from increased blood pressure after the 20th week of pregnancy in combination with other symptoms like swelling, abdominal pain and protein in urine.

High Blood Pressure Medicine for Pregnant Women

Treatment of hypertension in pregnancy depends upon the reason for high blood pressure. In case of preeclampsia, the only form of treatment available is actually delivering the baby. However, this also depends on how close the woman is to delivery. If the baby is mature enough, the doctor will induce labour immediately. If, on the other hand, the baby is not mature and less than 37 weeks of gestational age, the doctor has no option but to prescribe blood pressure delivering the baby becomes possible.

For gestational hypertension, the doctor monitors the woman’s blood pressure very closely to observe if this condition is turning into PIH or not. Since this type of hypertension occurs very close to delivery, doctors do not prescribe medicines.

If you are suffering from chronic hypertension, then you will already be on a blood pressure medication. The doctor will only see if the medication is safe for the baby and the mother-to-be in this condition. If it is, then he may decrease the dose because during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, women generally experience a fall in blood pressure.

During pregnancy, it becomes imperative to take medicines with special care.

According to a study published in The American Family Physician, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors such as Lotensin, Accupril, Altace and Vasotec, are not safe during pregnancy because these may prevent the baby's kidneys from developing properly and lead to fetal death.

Aldomet and Visken have been listed as comparatively better drugs to use for high blood pressure during pregnancy by the FDA. There side effects may include dry mouth and sleepiness. Although the FDA has not thoroughly studied the effects of nifedipine, many doctors feel that its use is safe. Its brand names are Procardia and Adalat.

In order to ensure a healthy delivery, it is necessary to visit the doctor regularly and to monitor your blood pressure very closely throughout the pregnancy. Do not take any medications on your own as this may be very dangerous. Follow the doctor’s prescription to the letter as this will prevent you from suffering complications during your term.


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