High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Flowers Cure for High Blood Pressure

Flowers Cure for High Blood Pressure, Passion flower, hawthorn, beech and holly are some potentially beneficial flowers for high blood pressure

Flowers Cure for High Blood Pressure

Nature has a solution for man’s every problem, including high blood pressure. According to various studies, there are many flowers that can be used for decreasing high blood pressure. However, these floral remedies are not supported by the Food and Drug Administration and therefore, it is necessary to consult a medical specialist before self-treating your blood pressure problems with flowers.

Flowers Cure for High Blood Pressure

Passion flower, hawthorn, beech and holly are some potentially beneficial flowers for high blood pressure.

Even though they are not supported by the FDA, they are safe to use because they have no side effects.

Passion Flower: This flower contains flavonoids that act as antioxidants. Passion flower helps in improving cardiac health. Take it in infusion or tincture forms.

Hawthorn: This is also called thorn-apple tree and whitethorn. German doctors prescribe three dozen hawthorn medicines to regulate heart rhythm. Hawthorn leaves, flowers and berries contain complexes similar to bioflavonoids, which help in lowering blood pressure. It can be used in tincture, extract and infusion forms.

Bach Flower: Dr Edward Bach, a bacteriologist, physician and pathologist, researched in 1920 that emotional disturbances that are the cause of physical ailments can be treated with the Bach flower. In present times, the Bach Centre recommends beech and holly for regulating those emotions that can raise blood pressure. According to the Centre, beech is used for type-A personalities and is indicated for intolerance. Holly can be used to treat hatred and jealousy and helps in calming down people who are prone to outbursts of temper.
For best results, mix two drops of flower essence into 30 ml water and sip it periodically. Or you can place two drops of essence directly on the tongue four times a day.


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