Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Do Low Carbohydrate Diets Lower Blood Pressure

Do Low Carbohydrate Diets Lower Blood Pressure, The most critical thing in the struggle to lose weight and control blood pressure is not only to choose an effective plan but to make it effective, really, follow it strictly on long term basis.

Do Low Carbohydrate Diets Lower Blood Pressure

 To prevent the absorption of the dietary fat, a drug is used for this which is known as Orlistat. Its use is the part of the diet plan aiming for the reduction in fat intake. This is one of the two methods for weight loss – the other being based on reduction in carbohydrate intake. It is interesting to know which method is better, so a study was carried out by some researchers, who monitored body weight, blood pressure, fasting serum lipid, and blood sugar levels for about 48 weeks, in which 146 volunteers participated. Appropriate instructions were given to them for following either a low carb diet or a low fat diet with Orilistat.

Although the difference between the two groups was not very significant but there were some general differences between the two. In terms of weight loss, triglycerides and HDL cholesterol improvements, there was no variance, and the weight loss being 9 % of the total body weight. People on low carb diet achieved improvements in the glucose and insulin levels, as well as the hemoglobin A1C. Blood pressure was also lowered by the low carb diet by 5.9 mm of Hg and 4.5 mm of Hg for systolic and diastolic pressures respectively. Low levels of low density lipoproteins in people on low fat diet with the use of Orlistat, also makes sense.

The effectiveness of the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet was also investigated by the experts, when used alone and when combined with some weight management and exercise plan. In terms of lowering the BP and reduction in the weight, there was a clear difference between the two. DASH diet alone caused 11.2 mm per Hg reduction in the systolic pressure while 16.1 mm per Hg reduced when the DASH diet was combined with a weight loss and exercise plan. Not only this it also reduced 19 pounds of the body weight and just 1 pound when only the DASH diet was used, in about 4 months.

There can be two ways for receiving counseling, one based on the internet where you can find weight-management programs and the other is the counseling of a doctor or a physician. But which way must be chosen and why? This question was answered by a study carried out to investigate the effectiveness of both the ways. The study showed 31 percent success for those individuals who took physician’s counseling and just 9 percent for those who used internet, for 5 percent loss in body weight. The most critical thing in the struggle to lose weight and control blood pressure is not only to choose an effective plan but to make it effective, really, follow it strictly on long term basis.


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