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Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Bloody Nose in High Blood Pressure

Nose is very delicate and vascular part of our body. So you may have bloody nose if you have any trauma to your face. You may have nose bleed due to high blood pressure.

Bloody Nose in High Blood Pressure

Nose is very delicate and vascular part of our body. So you may have bloody nose if you have any trauma to your face. Bleeding from nose is also called as Epistaxis. There are various causes of nose bleed. Nose bleed is common in dry and winter season as nasal membrane dry out in such weather. Patients on anti-coagulants medication like warfarin, aspirin may have nosebleed. Other predisposing factors include high blood pressure, infection, trauma, allergic and non-allergic rhinitis, alcohol abuse, and some inherited bleeding diseases. Smoking cigarettes can dry and crack the nose lining, resulting in bleeding from nose. During high blood pressure, small vessels in nose also have high blood pressure, which may rupture during this episode. When we see an abrupt rise in blood pressure, then chances of nose bleeding are more.


How to stop nose bleed?

To stop a nosebleed, you should:

First of all sit down and remain calm, keep the head elevated and just relax until the bleeding stops.

2. Pinch all the soft parts of the nostrils between  index finger and thumb, hold for a few moments until the bleeding stops. Hold the nose for at least 5-10 minutes. Repeat above procedure as necessary until the nose has stopped bleeding

3- No need to put your head between your legs or laying flat.

4. If you still have nose bleed, just drop cold water over your head, or you may apply ice to nose and cheeks.

5-Any severe nose bleed, that lasts more than 15 minutes should warrant a visit to the local Emergency Room or doctors office. Doctor may prefer Cauterization, this process involves using a special solution called silver nitrate or an electrical or heating device to burn the artery so that it stops bleeding. Your doctor will numb your nose before cauterization. Your doctor may also go for nasal packing or adrenaline spray or stiching if necessary. Packing the nose involves putting special gauze or an inflatable latex balloon into the nose so that enough pressure is placed on the artry to make it stop bleeding.

6- Now come to main point of blood pressure, you should have your hypertensive medication regularly. If your blood pressure is very high during nose bleed, this may be the basic cause of your epistaxis, so doctors will focus on controlling your blood pressure as well. You may be given some sublingual medicine, or IV infusions to bring your blood pressure to normal values.

Tips on preventing nosebleeds

  • Use a humidifier in your bedroom at night so counteract the drying effects of indoor heated air . 
  • Quit smoking. Smoking dries out your nose and also irritates it. Also prevent passive smoking. 
  • Try to open your mouth when you sneeze. 
  • Keep nails of fingers of children short to discourage nose picking. 
  • Control your blood pressure with regular medicine intake. 



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