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Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


5 Symptoms That May Identify You as a Type-1 Diabetic

5 Symptoms That May Identify You as a Type-1 Diabetic, If you are suspecting that you have the type-1 diabetes but you cannot judge, then you must notice down some of the symptoms that occur in your body.

5 Symptoms That May Identify You as a Type-1 Diabetic

If you are suspecting that you have the type-1 diabetes but you cannot judge, then you must notice down some of the symptoms that occur in your body. If any of these are noticed by you, immediately contact the doctor.


These symptoms are following:

Excessive urination:

Type-1 diabetes will cause excessive amount of glucose in blood, which is greater than 180 mg/dl. This makes it difficult, in fact impossible, for the kidneys to reabsorb all of the glucose from the filtered blood and release it back into the bloodstream. The excessive concentration of the glucose, which is the solute, in the urine, where water acts as the solvent, will cause more and more water from the blood to be drawn out to make the concentrated urine dilute. Hence, it will cause the urinary bladder to be filled up very frequently. Hence, you will urinate more often.

Higher than normal feelings of thirst:

This is expected as a result of excessive urination. This causes the body to lose a lot of water and become dehydrated. This makes you thirsty, deadly, very often.

A loss of weight:

Glucose is a source of energy but it is not properly utilized and lingers around in the blood for a lot of duration, because no insulin is produced by the pancreas. This causes the glucose to be wasted as it passes out in the urine. Hence, the glucose is not stored in the muscles and liver and is not available when cells of the body require it for energy. This makes the cells of the body to metabolize fats, and when fats are utilized completely, muscles are oxidized to meet the energy requirements. These things cause the patient to lose a lot of weight.


This is also expected as the cells are deprived of glucose because of the lack of insulin presence, which transfers the glucose to the cells. The glucose is wasted rather than being utilized for energy requirements. This makes you feel very hungry frequently, and even after a short span of time of having a heavy meal, you will feel extremely hungry.


Your body cells re not properly supplied with nutritional glucose.  Virtually all of the glucose is wasted, and is not available when required. Body loses a lot of water due to excessive urination and is dehydrated. Cells have to metabolize muscles for energy and consequently lose a lot of weight. All of these factors will cause you to become intensely tired very often. You will be unable to do even a light amount of work.


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