High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Low Blood Pressure Home Remedy

Low Blood Pressure Home Remedy, people with hypotension should modify their diet by including lots of fresh fruits. A five day fruit diet, in which fruits can be eaten after five hour intervals, would be very advantageous.

Low Blood Pressure Home Remedy

A healthy body is all about balance—balanced sugar levels; balanced cholesterol and balanced blood pressure. High blood pressure or hypertension is a very common health problem these days. However, low blood pressure or hypotension is also a risky condition. It occurs when the heart has to exert force to pump blood.

Its symptoms are much more decipherable than hypertension and include dizziness and a feeling of weakness in the body.

Other symptoms are:

•    Changes in breathing patterns

•    Pain in the chest or upper back and stiff neck

•    Cough with phlegm

•    Fainting

•    Headache

•    Inability to eat or drink or feeling nausea

•    Irregular heartbeat

•    Poor concentration, confusion or a sense of anxiety

If you are experiencing these symptoms, then it is better to consult a doctor and get your blood pressure checked immediately. Fortunately, there are some very good natural remedies for hypotension. Some of these are:

•    Drinking a cup of beetroot juice twice a day is exceptionally beneficial and will show results in a week.

•    An Epsom salt bath is also useful in this regard. Dissolve 1 or 1 ½ kg of commercial Epsom salt in hot water and stay immersed in it for 10 to 20 minutes.

•    Spikenard is an Indian herb which, when taken with a pinch of camphor and grounded cinnamon can be very helpful in hypotension.

Besides these, people with hypotension should modify their diet by including lots of fresh fruits. A five day fruit diet, in which fruits can be eaten after five hour intervals, would be very advantageous. Those foods that are rich in proteins, nutrients and vitamins, especially C and B should also be included in the diet. As opposed to the treatment of hypertension, patients suffering from hypotension are suggested to eat salty foods and take ½ teaspoon of salt water on daily basis until their blood pressure returns to normal.

Moreover, light exercise in the form of walking, cycling or swimming can be done. Hypotension patients should avoid excessive work and unnecessary tension and anxiety as these are never conducive to good health.

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