High Blood Pressure Symptoms Causes Diet Treatment

Because it matters…Heart disease awareness


Dr.Armughan Riaz
M.B.B.S, Dip Card
Consultant Cardiologist


Diet Plan For High Blood Pressure

Diet plan for high blood pressure patients. Increase your fiber diet, lower salt intake regular exercise help in decreasing high blood pressure

Diet Plan For High Blood Pressure

A Normal blood pressure level is 120/80, and prehypertensive between 120/80 and 140/90, and is hypertensive that is high blood pressure ( Hypertension ) above 140/90. high blood pressure ( Hypertension ) results in the hardening and clogging  of arteries, it affects your kidneys eyes brain and heart and increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Fatty and obese patients are at increased risk of having a higher blood pressure. In order to keep your blood pressure in control, follow some basic diet advice and suggestions:

A healthy diet plan includes vegetables and fruits. Take anything that has low cholestrol and fat content. Add some protein, calcium, and potassium in your diet.

Your food selection must have high fiber content. Studies have revealed that increasing fiber in your diet remarkably decreases your high blood pressure.

Decrease your salt(NaCl) intake to 2400 mg per day. Salt and sodium rich foods increase the amount of blood in circulation by increasing blood volume hence putting pressure on your blood vessels. Eat fresh fruits,nuts, dairy products, grains and vegetables. These naturally contain little amounts of sodium salt in them. Avoid intake of food from packets or canned food as salt is additionally added in them. Always see contents of packed food before buying it.

Here are some of the foods with high salt content which you must avoid to optimize your blood pressure. Either completely avoid them or take low sodium diet.

In sauces avoid barbeque sauce soya sauce and steak sauce. Onion, garlic and seasoned salts too should be avoided. Lower your intake of baking powder and baking soda.

smoked meats like bacon sausages and hot dogs or Curb eating ribs and curd.

Peanuts and pretzels, instant noodles and frozen foods, Shun eating cereals, snacks like corn chips,.

Avoid dairy products like cheese, spreads, butter. Avoid all the products which contain high fat content like salt pork.



Always use low sodium content foods.

If you are cooking your meal then avoid adding salt and cook with minerals spices and herbs . If you do add salt then use lemon juice or chilies and ginger for flavor. Choose low sodium varieties of cereals and eat fresh meat. Rinse before using your mackerel, canned tuna, salmon,or sardines. Use skimmed butter milk if you're cooking with milk or fat.

Keep checking your food labels. Use foods labeled salt free or low sodium. Avoid foods labled high sodium content or ingredients like sodium hydroxide or sodium nitrate, sodium benzoate, sodium sulfate.


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